In 2011 we filed a civil rights lawsuit against Naperville’s city-owned electric utility in United States Federal Court after they mandated “Smart meters” be installed on every home and business. Our case asked only for an analog electric meter option and nothing else.
In the fall of 2016, after nearly 5 years in federal court, our case was dismissed with incomplete discovery and never went to trial. We felt the reasoning used for dismissal was questionable and that the federal judge side-stepped NSMA’s right to its day in court.
Attorney David Gulbransen eventually took over litigating the case to the Court of Appeals.

David Gulbransen
The Court of Appeals ultimately determined that smart meter data collection by a municipal utility IS A SEARCH, but that in our case it is acceptable!
still firmly believe that we are protected by the 4th amendment, but the Constitution was not written with
today’s technology in mind.
Many thanks to David for carrying this case to conclusion.
At this point, our organization is out of options and resources to take this case to the Supreme Court.
A special thanks to K. T. Weaver for support and advice throughout this stage of the fight against smart meters.
For more on the ramifications of this decision we recommend visiting the site Smart Grid Awareness.
Here is a great "fun" video all about smart meters.
We highly recommend Josh del Sol's "Take Back Your Power" documentary film and website at:
WATCH on Amazon Prime
BUY on Amazon
We also recommend that you visit the websites below for a wealth of information on the issues:
Stop Smart Meters StopSmartMeters.org
Smart Grid Awareness SmartGridAwareness.org
EON The Ecological Options Network EON3EMFblog.net